Beseye 使用條款

歡迎使用 Beseye!

感謝造訪 (以下簡稱「本網站」)。若您欲使用本網站,須先同意接受 Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. 雲守護安控股份有限公司(以下簡稱「Beseye」)之使用條款及 Beseye 隱私權政策(以下合稱「本使用條款」)。


請在使用 Beseye 所提供之服務前,仔細地閱讀本使用條款及隱私權政策之內容。「您」係指存取本網站或透過本網站提供之任何服務之個人。若您繼續使用本網站,視為您已同意本使用條款之規定。 Beseye 保留隨時增加、刪除、修改或變更本使用條款內容之權利。若您持續使用本網站,將視為您同意接受本使用條款之更新。


  • 內容

所有於本網站之資訊、文字敘述、使用者介面、操作介面、影像、圖片、軟體、商標、標記、音檔、視訊、美術作品、電腦編碼及其他資料(以下合稱「本網站內容」),包括但不限於 Beseye 所有、控管或授權之網站之設計、編排、選擇、協調、表達及結構等,均屬 Beseye 所有、控制或取得授權;並且受中華民國著作權法、專利法、商標法、公平交易法等一切相關法令之保護。


除本使用條款有明文規定外,非經 Beseye 事先書面同意,不得擅自以重製、改作、散布、公開發表、公開口述、公開播送、公開上映、公開演出、公開傳輸、公開展示、改作、編輯或出租等方式侵害 Beseye 之商標、著作或專利。若您欲使用 Beseye 提供之產品或服務,請遵守下列條件:






  • 您對本網站之使用

本網站可能包含社群功能(如線上客服、支援論壇等),讓您得以接觸 Beseye 與一般大眾,以利交流。


(二)您不得以電腦程式或其他電磁方式干擾 Beseye 之系統網路或濫用本網站。



(五)您不得在違反本使用條款或違法之目的下,使用本網站或其內容,亦不得教唆、徵求他人侵害 Beseye 或他人之權利。

若您違反本使用條款, Beseye 得向相關執法單位檢舉或告發。


  • 付款、退費與取消政策

Beseye 於本網站所販售之商品或服務有提供部分額外的收費項目,若需使用該項目,您應支付相關費用。 Beseye 有權更改或新增收費項目,並不定期更新本網站中之產品和服務相關資料以保持其正確性,惟 Beseye 無隨時更新產品和服務相關資料之義務。


付款: Beseye 接受經由購買前指定之現行付款方式所為之付款,所述付款方式可能包括任何我方開放您使用之付款形式,包含本網站指定之第三方服務(包含銀行、金流等服務)。您同意遵守與 Beseye 之服務條款或其他法律協議,以此規範您對於已知付款處理方法之使用。任何付費服務之價格可能隨時變動,且若有減價或促銷方案等情形, Beseye 並不提供價格保障或退費。您同意就所訂購之任何付費服務支付費用。 Beseye 得就相關付費服務報價中所列之價格,連同任何有關適用稅金、銀行手續費及貨幣波動之外加金額,對您的信用卡扣款或以其他付款形式收取費用。若您有購買任何自動延展訂閱,您同意 Beseye 將以相關訂閱之每一帳單開立期間首日建檔在案之付款方法收取費用,且不適用七天鑑賞期,且若使用本服務時,若因為您所提供之資料有誤(如信用卡有效期間屆滿或其他類似理由),致使 Beseye 無法就次一帳單開立期間向您收取費用, Beseye 保留立即撤銷您對任何已訂購付費服務之存取權利,直到您更新付款方法為止。若您未能於合理之時限內更新您的付款方法, Beseye 得取消您的訂閱。且若因第三方服務產生之系統、相關作業網路連線品質問題或其他不可抗力因素,造成驗證無法完成、無法即時通知您, Beseye 不負任何相關損害賠償責任及任何附隨或衍生之責任。


稅金:若 Beseye 必須因您購買或使用付費服務而支付任何稅金,此等稅金將於每次購買或使用付費服務時向您收取。此外,若於法律要求下,您應負責申報並支付因您購買或使用付費服務所產生之特定稅金。以上所述可能包括您購買國家之任何相關罰款或利息,含關稅、海關費或其他稅金(所得稅除外)。


取消訂閱:若您訂閱自動延展之付費服務,您可於目前帳單期間結束前取消訂閱,如何取消請參考  Beseye 支援服務的取消訂閱說明,且取消將自次一帳單期間生效。自您取消直到次一帳單開始為止之期間,您仍保有付費服務存取權,惟不得就目前帳單期間之任何剩餘天數申請退費或退還帳戶餘額。


授權:付費服務之使用僅限於個人非商業用途,即使於未收取費用之情況下,亦不得未經 Beseye 同意而將任何 Beseye 所提供之服務之整體或部分用於任何公開發表(所述使用不構成著作權侵害者除外)。您所購買者為非專屬授權,未於本文條款中明確授予您之所有付費服務(包括任何經由付費服務所提供之內容)權利及利益均為 Beseye 及其授權者所保留。若您違反付費服務條款中之任何條款與條件, Beseye 得不經通知終止您對付費服務及/或您 Beseye 帳戶之存取,且不會予以退費。




  • 帳戶、密碼及安全

若要使用本服務,您必須先申請註冊使用者帳戶,並提供最新、完整且正確的個人資料予 Beseye。


建議您使用不易被破解之密碼(即使用大小寫字母,數字和符號的組合密碼)用於您的帳戶,並應妥善保管您的密碼以防止他人盜用。若您的帳戶未經同意被使用,或有安全性遭破壞之虞時,您應立即通知 Beseye 。若是您允許他人使用您的帳戶密碼,導致 Beseye 或其他使用者或訪客受到損害,須對該損害負賠償責任。


若您不是此 Beseye 帳戶之擁有者,請勿使用該帳戶。若有違反致生損害,您須對 Beseye 其該帳戶之擁有者負賠償責任。


  • 隱私權政策

Beseye 隱私權政策為本使用條款之一部分,並適用於本網站之使用。檢視 Beseye 之隱私權政策,請點擊這裡。依該隱私權政策, Beseye 將依法妥善保管您的個人資訊;且您有權更新、修改、刪除您的個人資訊。您同意 Beseye 透過本網站所蒐集之個人資訊,可在 Beseye 或服務供應商於臺灣或其所營運之其他國家進行處理和利用。 Beseye 建議您:避免任意分享、傳送或張貼隱密之個人資訊。


連結至其它網站及 Beseye 網站

本網站可能包含連接到其他第三方網站或轉介到第三方供應商經營的其他網站(以下合稱「第三方網站」), Beseye 提供第三方網站只是為了方便顧客使用,並未經營或控制該第三方網站。


對於這些第三方網站, Beseye 不須對其進行審查、批准、監督、認可、擔保或負擔相關責任。您應自行獨立判斷是否使用第三方網站,並自行承擔風險。對於您使用或下載第三方網站的任何資料所生之任何損害(包括但不限於裝置損壞、資料或內容遭刪除或變更), Beseye 不負損害賠償責任及任何附隨或衍生之責任。


  • 聲明

Beseye 力求展現最新的服務、產品內容及特色商品,但不保證其服務無任何瑕疵,亦不保證即時更正所有瑕疵。 Beseye 依民法、消費者保護法等相關法令提供產品或服務之擔保,其餘有關品質滿意度、效能、可用性、安全性、正確性及成果之風險等不在 Beseye 擔保之範圍內。本網站可不定期且未經通知而變更其內容。 若您有任何意見,歡迎通知 Beseye ,我們將會盡力改善。


Beseye 得隨時不經通知為以下之行為:

(一) 修改、暫停或終止本網站之全部或部份之開放或運作;

(二) 修改或變更本網站之全部或部份適用的政策或內容;

(三) 為定期或非定期之維修,修改錯誤,或為其他變更時,中斷本網站之全部或部份運作。


您若於新版條款生效後繼續使用本網站,即視為接受更新版條款。如您不同意任何更新版本,得終止使用者帳戶及 / 或停止使用本網站,然不得向 Beseye 請求退費。


  • 服務限制


我們的目標是致力提供可靠跟高效能的服務,但並不保證在無時無刻皆能達到百分之百的可靠與效能。 Beseye 提供之服務若因外力遭受到中斷或故障等,且非為 Beseye 所得控制之情形,包含但不限於Wi-Fi之間歇性、服務供應商之正常服務時間、行動裝置之通知等等, Beseye 無須為該等損害負責。


無論是單獨使用 Beseye 產品、服務或與第三方產品、服務連接使用, Beseye 不提供對於緊急事件反應及處理。 Beseye 產品及服務並非為緊急監控的通知系統, Beseye 亦無調度緊急救援之義務。 Beseye 不保證使用 Beseye 產品及服務會影響或提升安全性。此外, Beseye 客服支援無法提供緊急救援服務,如有任何危及性命和緊急事件應直接尋求其他服務機構。


Beseye 之服務並非具備百分之百的可靠與效能,我們不保證您會在特定的時間或所有時間接收到通知,您同意不依賴本產品服務來用於任何危及生命安全或危急之目的。行動通知是基於您產品之狀態及警報設定而提供資訊之用途,但並不代替第三方緊急監控的通知系統。 Beseye 在緊急狀況時可能會發佈異常通知,但 Beseye 無法提供跟您家中或其他地方狀況有相關的特定資訊,您應自行應對緊急情況。


基於安全考量、系統故障、維護和修理,或其他可能會臨時暫停服務之情況,Beseye 得不另行通知即臨時終止所提供之服務。前述臨時性終止之風險,由您承擔, Beseye 不保證產品服務之具體、正常運行時間。


使用 Beseye 之服務需具備下列條件:(一)可運行且可持續連線運作的 Wi-Fi 網路或網路,以便連接本產品及服務; (二)一組帳號; (三)行動裝置,如支援的手機或平板電腦(配合特定功能);(四) Beseye 指定之其它系統元件。提醒您:若未符合系統需求,服務可能無法正常作業。


  • 責任範圍

除依契約及相關法令外, Beseye 不負任何懲罰性違約金或直接或間接性的損害賠償責任及任何附隨或衍生之責任,包括與服務及產品有關之利益喪失。


  • 對第三人之責任

如因您的故意或過失致第三人以您的帳戶名義利用本網站或服務上傳、發布、傳送或經由其他方式提供任何使用者內容,致第三人權利受到侵害而向  Beseye 求償,相關費用(包括但不限於主管機關之罰款、律師費及相關訴訟費用)將由您負擔。


  • 違約責任

若您違反本使用條款,或對 Beseye 、本網站之其他使用者之權利造成損害或干擾,您應對 Beseye 、本網站之其他使用者負損害賠償之責(包含但不限於主管機關之罰款、律師費及相關訴訟費用);若有任何違法情事, Beseye 得向相關執法單位檢舉或告發,並與相關單位共同合作以杜絕不法。若依個人資料保護法及相關法令之規定, Beseye 有揭露您個人資訊之義務, Beseye 得予以揭露。若您有違反本使用條款所載事項, Beseye 得停止您之權限。


Beseye 得依據法律規定或政府要求,於主管機關的調查範圍內提供相關之資訊。若 Beseye 得知您有從事任何違反本使用條款內容之虞, Beseye 得採取相關法律行動。


若因您違反使用條款或相關法令而終止服務, Beseye 無須對您或任何第三人負賠償之責及任何附隨或衍生之責任。


  • 準據法及爭端解決



所有爭議應善意、盡力協商解決之,該爭議未能於合理期間(不超過 30 天)協商解決者,任何一方得將該爭議提交調解。若調解不成,即以臺灣臺北地方法院為第一審管轄法院,排除其他國家、法院之管轄權。


  • 提供產品或服務之範圍

本網站雖可由全球各地連結進入,但並非本網站上所有產品或透過本網站討論、推薦、提供的產品、服務,皆能開放給在各地之所有民眾購買、使用,或適合、可供在臺灣境外使用。 Beseye 得限制其所提供於任何地方之顧客之產品、服務之約定及數量。如果您選擇由臺灣境外連結至本網站,應遵守當地及臺灣適用之法律。


  • 其他規定

您不得在違反臺灣或其他任何國家之法令、規定或本使用條款的情況下,未經 Beseye 同意而使用、出口或再出口、拷貝、援用任何本網站之內容倘有前開違反行為, Beseye 得請求您負賠償責任。




本使用條款之內容為您與 Beseye 間協議之一部分,若有與其他書面、口頭協議或先前存在之共識不同之處,以本使用條款為準。


  • 回應及通知

Beseye 對於您於本網站之公開回應,得在法令限制規範內使用該資訊。


Beseye 可能會透過任何形式通知您,包括於本網站公告、電子郵件或郵寄至您的聯絡地址。若您的電子郵件地址及郵寄地址有變更,您應即時更新,並且隨時查閱本網站之公告。


  • 著作權與商標聲明

除使用者之個人資訊外,所有本網站內容之著作權均屬於 Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. 雲守護安控股份有限公司(10453 中華民國臺灣台北市中山區林森北路 554 號 8 樓)和/或其供應商所有。本網站內容均受著作權與其他智慧財產權相關法令之保護。 Beseye 和/或其供應商擁有本網站、 Beseye 內容、意見反應與任何軟體(包括透過本網站下載至您的裝置之任何更新與升級)之所有權、著作權與其他智慧財產權。 Beseye 名稱與圖樣以及與本網站相關之其他 Beseye 產品名稱及服務,皆為 Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. 雲守護安控股份有限公司之商標或商譽。




Copyright © 2013-2020 Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd.

8F., No.554, Linsen N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., 

Taipei City 10453, Taiwan (R.O.C)

本使用條款由 Beseye 法務部門最近之更新日期:2020 年 09 月 03 日


Last modified on 14 September 2020


Please read these terms of use (“Agreement”) carefully before using the services offered by Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. (“Beseye,” “we,” “us,” “our”). By visiting Beseye’s website or using the services in any manner, an individual who accesses this website or has any service through this website(“you”) agree that you have read and agree to be bound by and are a party to the terms and conditions (including Beseye’s privacy policy, which is hereby incorporated by reference) of this agreement to the exclusion of all other terms. Beseye reserves the right to add, delete, modify and change Agreement. If you continue to use this website, it’s deemed you have agreed to the provisions of Agreement and the update of Agreement. If the terms of this agreement are considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to such terms. If you do not unconditionally agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, you have no right to use the website or services. Use of Beseye’s services is expressly conditioned upon your assent to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to the exclusion of all other terms.




The www. website, mobile application, and any other linked pages, features, content, or application services offered by Beseye in connection therewith (collectively, the “Website”) are owned and operated by Beseye. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, we may offer to provide certain services, as described more fully on the Website, and that have been selected by you (together with the Website, the “Services”), solely for your own use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party. The term “Services” including but not limited to using of the Website (including in connection with Beseye’s hardware products), any service we perform for you, and the Content (as defined below) offered by us on the Website. We may change, suspend or terminate the Services at any time, including the availability of any feature, database, or Content. We may also limit on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. You shall only use the Services and the products(“Product”)  for your own personal, non-commercial use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party, and only in a manner that complies with all laws that apply to you. If your use is prohibited by applicable laws, then you aren’t authorized to use the Services. We won’t be responsible for your using in a way that breaks the law. You may only use the Product in connection with the Services, and for no other use. Any software component embodied in the Product is licensed to you, not exclusive license nor ownership. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify this Agreement at any time by posting a notice on the Website, by sending you a notice via email or postal mail, or by some other appropriate means. You shall be responsible for reviewing and knowing any such modifications. If you don’t agree with the new Agreement, you are free to reject it; however, if you do reject the new Agreement, you will no longer be able to use the Services. Your use after receiving such notification constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement as modified.



You represent and warrant to us that: (i) you are of legal age to form a binding contract; (ii) all registration information you submit is accurate and truthful; and (iii) you will maintain the accuracy of such information. You also certify that you are legally permitted to use and access the Services. This Agreement is void that prohibited by law, and the right to access the Services is revoked in such jurisdictions.




The Website, the Services, and their contents are intended solely for the personal use of Services users and may only be used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. All materials displayed or performed on the Services (including, but not limited to text, graphics, articles, photographs, images, illustrations (also known as the “Content”) are protected by copyright and the ownership, license or other related rights are belong to Beseye. The Copyright Act, Patent Act, Trademark Act, Trade Secrets Act, related laws of Taiwan, R.O.C. govern the Content.


Except be expressly stipulated this Agreement, you must not reproduce, adaptation, distribution, public release, public recitation, public broadcast, public presentation, public performance, public transmission, public display, arrange, rent, infringe Beseye's intellectual property in any way without Beseye’s prior written consent. If you want use Beseye’s Product or Services:

  1. You must not remove the mark of ownership or copyright;
  2. Only for personal use and must not reproduce or post the Content on any media;
  3. Must not alter or adapt any Content;
  4. Must not make any additional statements or guarantees to the Content.


Other than your User Submissions (as defined below), you may download or copy the Content (and other items displayed on the Website or Services for download) for personal use only. You must not store any portion of any Content (other than your User Submissions) in any form. Copying or storing of any Content (other than your User Submissions) other than for personal use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Beseye or from the copyright holder identified in such Content’s copyright notice.


In the course of using the Services, you and other users may provide us with information, which we may use in connection with the Services and which may be visible to certain other users. For example, the Service allows you to upload or post video content, and may permit you to post feedback, comments, questions, or other information on the Website or otherwise providing content, materials or information to Beseye or in connection with the Services (collectively, “User Submissions”). You hereby grant us with a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicenseable and transferable right to exploit such User Submissions (including all related intellectual property rights) solely in connection with providing you the Services and as directed by you. You also hereby do and shall grant each user of the Services a non-exclusive license to access and use your User Submissions through the Services and as permitted through the functionality of the Services and under this Agreement. Furthermore, you understand that we retain the right to reformat, modify, create derivative works of, excerpt, and translate any User Submissions submitted by you. For clarity, the foregoing license grant to Beseye does not affect your ownership of or right to grant additional licenses to the material in your User Submissions, unless otherwise agreed in writing. We will only share your personally identifiable information in accordance with our Privacy Policy located at


You understand that all information publicly posted or privately transmitted through the Services is the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated and that Beseye will not be liable for any errors or omissions in any content. You understand that Beseye cannot guarantee the identity of any other users with whom you may interact in the course of using the Services. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the authenticity of any data that users or merchants may provide about themselves. You acknowledge that all Content accessed by you using the Services is at your own risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage or loss to any party resulting therefrom. We cannot control and have no duty to take any action regarding how you may interpret and use the Content or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content, and you hereby release us from all liability for you having acquired or not acquired Content through the Services..


Under no circumstances will Beseye be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred in connection with use of or exposure to any Content posted, emailed, accessed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Services.



This Website may include community functions, such as online customer service, forum, etc., to contact people.

  1. You agree that don’t use this Website to release, transmit, receive any inappropriate information or data without relevance od this Website;
  2. You must not interfere with Beseye's system or abuse this website with computer programs or other electromagnetic means;
  3. You are not allowed to enter another person's account password, crack the protective measures of the computer, or use the loopholes of the computer system to access any information related to this Website on any server, computer or database;
  4. You must not probe, scan or test the weaknesses of this Website and any network connected to this Website;
  5. You must not use this Website or the Content in violation of this Agreement, illegal purposes, instigate or solicit others to infringe Beseye or the rights of others.

If you violate this Agreement, Beseye may report to relevant law enforcement agencies.




Certain aspects of the Services may be provided for a fee. You shall pay all applicable fees, as described on the Website in connection with such Services selected by you. Beseye reserves the right to change its price list and to institute new charges at any time, upon notice to you, which may be sent by email or posted on the Website. Beseye does not provide price guarantees or refunds in the above case. Your use of the Services following such notification constitutes your acceptance of any new or increased charges.



Beseye accepts payment through the current payment method specified before purchase. The payment method is any payment method that we open to you, including third-party services specified on this website (for example banking, cash flow, etc.). Beseye may charge your credit card deductions or other payment methods based on the prices listed in the relevant paid service quotations, together with any relevant applicable taxes, bank charges and currency fluctuations. If you have purchased any auto-extending subscription, you agree that Beseye will use the payment method filed on the first day of each billing period of the relevant subscription, and the seven-day appreciation period is not applicable. When using this Services, the information you provided is incorrect, such as the expiration of the credit card validity period or other similar reasons, lead that Beseye cannot charge you during the next bill issuance period, Beseye reserves the right to immediately cancel your ordered Services until you update the payment method. If you fail to update your payment method within a reasonable time, Beseye may cancel your subscription. If the verification cannot be completed or notified you immediately due to system, network connection or other force majeure factors generated by third-party services, Beseye not be liable for any related damages and any accompanying or derivative liabilities.



If Beseye must pay any taxes due to your purchase or use of fee-based Services, such taxes will be collected from you every time you purchase or use the fee-based Services. In addition, if required by law, you are responsible for returning and paying any tax arising from your purchase or use of the Services. The above may be any related fine or interest in the country you purchase in, including duties, customs or other taxes, except for income tax.


Cancel Subscription:

If you subscribe to the automatically extended fee-based Service, you can cancel the subscription before the end of the current billing period. For how to cancel, please refer to the cancellation instructions of Beseye Support Services. The cancellation will take effect from the next billing period. During the period from your cancellation until the beginning of the next billing, you still have the right to access the service, but you are not allowed to apply for a refund or balance of your account for any remaining days in the current billing period.



The fee-based Services is limited to personal and non-commercial purposes. Even if the fee is not charged, the whole or any part of the Service must not be used for any publication without Beseye’s consent except do not constitute copyright infringement. The Service is a non-exclusive license, all rights and benefits of the Services including any content provided through the fee-based services not expressly granted to you in the terms of this Agreement are reserved by Beseye and other licensors. If you violate any terms of the Agreement, Beseye may terminate your access to the fee-based Service and your Beseye account without notice, and no refund.


If there is a conflict between this Agreement and the content of this Website, the latter announcement will take precedence of the others. If you have already purchased our products and have questions about product return and warranty, please contact customer service on the following official website:




As a condition to using the Product or some aspects of the Services, you may be required to register with Beseye and select a password and user name (“Beseye User ID”). You shall provide us with accurate, complete, and updated registration information. We reserve the right to refuse registration of or cancel a Beseye User ID in its discretion. You must maintain the confidentiality of your password. We suggest using a password that is not easy to crack, for example a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You must keep your password properly to prevent others from embezzling it. If your account is used without consent or the security is in danger, you must notify Beseye immediately. If you allow others to use your account and cause damage to Beseye or other users and visitors, you are liable for the damage. If you are not the owner of this account, please do not use this account. If any violation causes damage, you must be liable for compensation to Beseye and the owner of the account.




The privacy policy of Beseye is a part of this Agreement and applies to the use of Website. To view Beseye's Privacy Policy, please click here.Your acceptance of this Agreement constitutes your acceptance and agreement to be bound by Beseye’s Privacy Policy. Beseye will properly keep your personal information according to the law and you have the right to update, modify, and delete your personal information. The personal information collected by Beseye through this Website can be processed and used by Beseye or service providers in Taiwan or other countries where it operates. Beseye suggests avoding arbitrarily sharing, sending or posting confidential personal information.


Link to other websites and Beseye websites: This website may link to other third-party websites or referral to other websites operated by third-party suppliers("third-party websites"). Beseye provides third-party websites only for the convenience of customers and does not operate or control such websites. For these third-party websites, Beseye does not need to review, approve, supervise, recognize, guarantee, or bear related responsibilities. You have to independently determine whether to use third-party websites on your own risk. Beseye is not liable for any damages, collateral or derivative liabilities, including but not limited to device damage, deletion or alteration of data and content, arising from your use or download of any materials on third-party websites.




Beseye strives to display the latest Sservices and Product but does not guarantee that its services are free from any defects, nor does it guarantee that all defects will be corrected immediately. Beseye provides guarantees for Products or Services in accordance with the Civil Law, Consumer Protection Act and other relevant acts.  Other risks of quality satisfaction, efficiency, availability, accuracy and results are not covered by Beseye's guarantee. This Website may change its content from time to time without notice. If you have any comments, please let Beseye know and we will try our best to improve it.


Beseye may do the following at any time without notice:

(1) Modify, suspend, terminate all or part of the opening or operation of this Website;

(2) Modify, change all or part of the policies or content of this Website;

(3) For regular or irregular maintenance, correction of errors, or other changes, all or part of the operation of this Website will be interrupted.


If you continue to use this Website after the new version of the terms take effect, you are deemed to have accepted the updated version of the terms. If you do not agree to any updated version, you may terminate the user account and stop using this Website, but you must not request a refund from Beseye.




Liability for Service interruption: Our goal is to provide reliable and high-performance Services, but we do not guarantee 100% reliability and efficiency at all times. If the Services are interrupted or malfunctioned due to external forces and are not controlled by Beseye, including but not limited to the intermittent Wi-Fi, the normal service time of the service provider, the notification of mobile devices, etc., Beseye has no responsibility for such damage.


Emergency: Whether using the Products and Services alone or in connection with products and services of third-party, Beseye does not provide emergency response and handling. The Products and Services are not a notification system for emergency monitoring, and Beseye has no obligation to dispatch emergency rescue. Beseye does not guarantee that the use of Products and Services will affect or improve safety. In addition, Beseye customer support cannot provide emergency rescue services. If there is any emergency, you must directly seek other service agencies.


Reliability of notification: Beseye's services are not 100% reliable and efficient. We do not guarantee that you will receive notifications at a specific time or at all times. You agree not to rely on this Product and Service for any critical purposes. Cellular notification is for the purpose of providing information based on the status of your product and alarm settings, but it does not replace the notification system of third-party emergency monitoring. Beseye may issue abnormal notices in emergencies, but Beseye cannot provide specific information related to your home or other places. You must respond to the emergency by yourself.


Temporary termination: Due to safety considerations, system failures, maintenance and repairs, or other circumstances, Beseye may temporarily terminate the Services provided without prior notice. The risk of the aforementioned temporary termination is borne by you, and Beseye does not guarantee the operation time of the Product and Service.


The requirements of system:

To use the Services, the following conditions must be met: (1) An operational and sustainable Wi-Fi network or network in order to connect to this Product and Service; (2) A set of account; (3) Mobile devices, Such as mobile phones or tablets with specific functions; (4) Other system components designated by Beseye. We remind that: If the system requirements are not met, the service may not operate normally.




Except in accordance with the contract, related laws and regulations, Beseyel is not liable for any punitive liquidated damages, direct or indirect damages, and any collateral or derivative liabilities, including the loss of benefits related to Services and Products.


If any third party uses this Website or Service to upload, publish, transmit etc., provide any user content due to your deliberate or negligent use of your account, cause the third party’s rights are infringed and seek compensation from Beseye, the related costs including but not limited to fines, legal fees and related litigation costs will be borne by you.


If you violate this Agreement, cause damage or interference to the rights of Beseye and other users of this website, you shall be liable for damages including but not limited to fines, legal fees and related litigation costs. If there is any violation of the law, Beseye may report to the relevant law enforcement unit, and cooperate with the relevant unit to prevent the illegality. If in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, relevant laws and regulations, Beseye has the obligation to disclose your personal information, then Beseye has to disclose it. If your violation of this Agreement is found to be illegal, Beseye will have to stop your right to use this Website.


Beseye may provide relevant information within the scope of investigation by the competent authority in accordance with legal regulations or government requirements. If Beseye learns that you may be involved in any violation of this Agreement, Beseye may take relevant legal actions. If you terminate the Service due to your violation of this Agreement or relevant laws and regulations, Beseye not be liable for compensation and any collateral or derivative liabilities to you or any third party.




Regardless of the country or region where you live, all disputes arising from your access to or use of this Website are governed by the laws of Taiwan, Republic of China. All disputes shall be resolved through negotiation in good faith and with every effort. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within a reasonable period (not more than 30 days), either party may submit the dispute to mediation. All disputes must be resolved through negotiation in good faith and with every effort. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation within a reasonable period, not more than 30 days, either party may submit the dispute to mediation. If the mediation fails, the Taipei District Court of Taiwan must have exclusive jurisdiction of first instance jurisdiction, excluding the jurisdiction of other countries and courts.




Although this Website can be accessed by links from all over the world, not all Products on this Website or the discussed, recommended of the products and services provided through this Website can be opened to all people everywhere to buy, use, or be suitable and available use abroad. Beseye may limit the quantity of Products and Services it provides to customers anywhere. If you choose to link to this Website from outside Taiwan, you must abide by local and Taiwan applicable laws.




You must not use, export or re-export, copy, or quote any content of this Website without Beseye’s consent, regulations of Taiwan or any other country, and this Agreement. You are liable for the above compensation.


If one part of this Agreement is deemed invalid by the court, it will not affect the validity of other terms.


The content of this Agreement is part of the contract between you and Beseye. If there is any difference from other written, oral agreements or previous consensus, this Agreement prevail.




Beseye may use the information within the legal restrictions on your public response on this website. Beseye may notify you in any form including announcements on this Website, email or mail to your contact address. If your email address and mailing address are changed, you must update them immediately and check the announcements on this Website at any time.




Except for the personal information of the user, the copyright of all Content on this Website belongs to Beseye or its suppliers. The content of this Website is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and regulations. Beseye or its suppliers own the ownership, copyright and other intellectual property rights of this Website, Content, feedback and any software including any updates and upgrades downloaded to your device through this Website. The name and drawings of Beseye and names of other Beseye Product and Services related to this Website are trademarks or goodwill of Beseye.


Other company names, product names, service names, trademarks and goodwill mentioned in this Website may belong to their respective owners.


The information on this Website may be changed at any time without notice.


Copyright © 2013-2020 Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Beseye Cloud Security Co., Ltd.

8F., No.554, Linsen N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., 

Taipei City 10453, Taiwan (R.O.C)


This Agreement was last updated by Beseye's legal department: _____, 2020